Give Yourself a Break

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I confess, I often feel like this little guy,
staring into the murky waters and
wondering: Will I ever make it?

Fear on one shoulder, Doubt on the other.

And then I remember . . .

Albert Einstein got expelled from school
and didn’t read till he was seven . . .

Fred Astaire flunked his first screen test . . .

Jack London’s earliest story got
rejected six hundred times. (Yikes.)

Ohhh yes, there are plenty more of these
true tales, torn from the pages of Real Life.

The fact is everyone “fails.”
So give yourself a break!

“Start by doing what’s necessary, then
what’s possible, and suddenly,
you are doing the impossible.”
–St. Francis of Assisi

(Yep, St. Francis, patron saint of animals
and the environment, was one audacious dude)

Rise Above the Tides &
Rescue Your Dreams

by CJ Schepers
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  • Nancy June 11, 2015, 4:34 pm

    Perfect timing…thank you!!

  • Elena Eulo June 11, 2015, 4:43 pm

    What a wonderful posting. It inspires me not only to keep going, but to respect all the thwarted attempts of all my past misses, some near-misses, others missed by a country mile! Thanks for this!

  • Clara York June 12, 2015, 11:12 pm

    Yes! Racking up our failures doesn’t get us anywhere. I tend to feel alienated and then realize I’ve done it to myself. I’ll stop that right now!


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Books & Testimonials

CJ has an amazing ability to reach into an author’s words and extend, expand, and help bring them to light and life, without interfering with the original tone and voice of the work. She knew just how to bring flavor into my wording. During the editing process, I remember telling friends and family how lucky I was to have found CJ for this book. It was the perfect fit! I could tell she really cared about the subject matter. She is the best of the best!

— Scott Kiloby, author, The Natural Rest Method: A Simple, Revolutionary Way to Overcome Any Addiction (expected to be published 2013)