Use Those Painful Feelings

Use Those Painful Feelings_iStock_000004075051MediumThorny emotions like anger, regret,
and sadness serve a purpose.
Instead of denying them, witness
and then harness their energy
as a catalyst for necessary change.

“Just like children, emotions heal
when they are heard and validated.”
–Jill Bolte Taylor, My Stroke of Insight

Rise Above the Tides &
Rescue Your Dreams

by CJ Schepers
(to be published October 2014 — it’s almost here, I promise you, it’s almost here!)

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  • Jenny September 25, 2014, 1:58 pm

    I love this, CJ! It’s not always easy to put into practice, but it’s the most satisfying of outcomes when I can embrace this.

    • CJ Schepers September 25, 2014, 6:02 pm

      Yay Jenny! Actually, I’m feelin’ kind of blue myself today, so I practicing what I preach — right now! Pure Heart, CJ

  • Clara York September 25, 2014, 4:15 pm

    I heard that! This is so true. A lot of times it seems that regret, anger and sadness are brushed under the rug. If you share one of these feelings with well meaning friends or loved ones, they often tell you to deny that they exist. Much healthier to go through the storm like you said above. thanks

    • CJ Schepers September 25, 2014, 6:01 pm

      Yep, Clara. You “get” it. My angel friend and author Holly Riley is ALL about this. She’s a huge proponent of FEEL EVERYTHING, then release it. Don’t try to block it. Allow it.


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I was anxious at first to have someone I didn’t know critique my work . . . What began to transpire was CJ’s enthusiasm for my work. She explored and shared her insights in a kind and compassionate manner, which empowered me to trust her and see how we could make the writing better. She was tireless in her efforts and research. She found access to information I didn’t know about, which made my writing not only cleaner but clearer as well. Her sense of humor and understanding was a joy to work with.

— Dr Gene Pascucci, author, What if We’re Him? The Transformation of Spirituality