You Are More

You Are More_iStock_000017215037MediumInstead of fretting and repeatedly analyzing
why we experience less than we deserve,
what if we dared to open ourselves, not
only to the possibilities around us,
but already inside us?

“You are more than you realize,
more than you can define . . .
Your past is not your identity . . .
You, living now, is your identity.” 
–George Lawrence-Ell, The Invisible Clock

Rise Above the Tides &
Rescue Your Dreams

by CJ Schepers
(to be published early October 2014 — yep, apparently big things take BIG time)


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  • Jenny September 18, 2014, 3:29 pm

    I’ve always believed myself lucky that the Universe does not consistently hand me “what I deserve.” We are imperfect beings and if we are given what we deserve for the positive moments and actions, it would only be fair that we are also given what we deserve when we are less than our ideal selves.

    Instead of viewing setbacks, failures and unfortunate circumstances as instances where I deserve more than the outcome I’m left with, my course is to find the knowledge or skill gap and figure out how to fill it to succeed in the future.

  • Minda Burr September 18, 2014, 6:30 pm

    You are always right on time CJ!… Thank you so much for your ongoing Wisdom pure heart.


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