CatchaStar_hi_resThis week, I had one of those days when I thought I really sucked. My mind was gathering evidence against me. Yep, the mind is a beautiful thing. But not always the smartest. Our minds trick us into playing smaller far more than we realize.

Our mind can be a hammer in our heads, pounding away to worry, worry, worry about all the things that could go wrong, or try its damnedest to convince us that we’ll never, ever be good enough. It can nag, criticize, and ridicule us, relentlessly — especially when the mind thinks its being “realistic” about efforts and dreams and magical stuff, like self-belief and love and visions.

Can you imagine surviving (for long anyway) without Art and Music and Dance, Poetry and Stories and Acting? I can’t. Wouldn’t want to. These forces have the emotional power to reveal the truth and beauty and outrageous possibilities of our lives, more than our minds could ever do on their own!

Nope, you cant always “think” your way there — sometimes, you just have to FEEL it.


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Love this starry image above? Part of my Twinkle Prose publishing logo, thanks to Robert & Marie Bretz — feel more of their magic on

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  • Elena Eulo June 4, 2015, 3:25 pm

    I LOVE this, CJ. It yanked me right up into remembering that we invent our own reality. I’ve been drawing mine with a very dark pen for way too long. I’m getting a rose-colored pen. Thanks! 🙂

    • CJ Schepers June 8, 2015, 9:01 pm

      You have a beautifully, audacious way with words, Elena. Pure Heart, CJ

  • cat June 4, 2015, 5:16 pm

    Yes CJ, True stuff. Mike Dooley ( aka the universe will help you confirm it!

    • CJ Schepers June 8, 2015, 9:07 pm

      Who’s this Mike Dooley dude? I’ll check him out… thanks, Cat! Pure Heart, CJ

  • Ted June 5, 2015, 4:41 am

    I used to think my thoughts led my feelings. Or at least I could will them to. Only works for a while. I think they call it “denial!”

    On the other hand, sadly (or fortunately?), some of the best art was created through emotional pain. Strange, that. Does art help us feel like we’re not alone – feeling the way we do? Or does it remind us there’s deep art within dying to get out? Hard to know – oh, yeah, feel!

    I hear you. Maybe just get out a bottle of wine , then throw paint all over the house a la Jackson Pollock! That would get me out of a funk! Except for the clean up. Didn’t THINK about that!!! 🙂

    Thank you for sharing – now THAT’s art!!!

    • CJ Schepers June 8, 2015, 9:05 pm

      Ha. I say go for it! The next-day clean-up will be a sort of meditation, too. I can’t tell you how many times I drifted off into a peace-filled place while I’m scrubbing the walls.


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CJ Schepers, I am so grateful for your talents! You are a God-send. Besides being an amazing author and supporter of good in the world, you are a spectacular editor! Thank you for the love and fine-tuning you sprinkled all through Allowing! Thank you for adding such clarity and love to the words I often jumbled and confused, and most of all, thank you for your professional integrity. I look forward to the next book with you!

— Holly Riley, best-selling author, Allowing: A Portrait of Forgiving and Letting Life Love You