Go For It

Funny catchingStarting right now, if you could live
your dream, what would you do?
Hesitate? Walk away? Or leap for joy?
The sooner we stop making
excuses, the sooner we’ll
grab that dream by
its rascally tail.

“The world is full of abundance and
but far too many people
come to the fountain of  life with a

sieve instead of a tank car . . . a teaspoon
instead of a steam shovel. They expect
little and
as a result they get little.”
–Ben Sweetland

Rise Above the Tides &
Rescue Your Dreams

by CJ Schepers
Remember your power. 
Amazon / B & N

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1 comment…
  • Elisabeth Meyer February 18, 2015, 12:29 am

    How true this is! Action, not excuses. Well said, CJ!!


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It is a brilliantly written, informative and (a) fascinating read. Burke Strunsky’s ongoing faith in humanity and the criminal justice system is refreshing and his unwavering persistence in seeking justice for the victims of violent crimes serves to light a bright path on the very dark road to justice—and offers hope and inspiration to us all.

— Examiner