Keep Going

Keep Going_iStock_000002910630MediumThere’s fierce, quiet power in
being Persistent. Keep going . . .
trying . . . believing. Mentally sear
“Persistency Pays” across your heart.

“Just don’t give up trying to do what you
really want to do. Where there is love and
inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong.”
–Ella Fitzgerald

Rise Above the Tides &
Rescue Your Dreams

by CJ Schepers
The Life Raft now on,, and others.
Shipping copies to all dream supporters from the Indiegogo campaign this week.
Whoohoo! At last! (Ebooks to follow.)
Couldn’t have done it without each and everyone of you beautiful peeps!

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Books & Testimonials

CJ Schepers, I am so grateful for your talents! You are a God-send. Besides being an amazing author and supporter of good in the world, you are a spectacular editor! Thank you for the love and fine-tuning you sprinkled all through Allowing! Thank you for adding such clarity and love to the words I often jumbled and confused, and most of all, thank you for your professional integrity. I look forward to the next book with you!

— Holly Riley, best-selling author, Allowing: A Portrait of Forgiving and Letting Life Love You