Hang with the Greats

Hang With the Greats_iStock_000005542597MediumA simple sigh, a gesture, even silence from a
friend can so easily snuff out a fantastic dream.
Realize that this subtle negative feedback has
nothing to do with your vision or potential to
make a richer life for yourself. It has more to
do with the self-doubts of others.

“Keep away from people who try
to belittle your ambitions. Small
people always do that, but the
really great make you feel that
you, too, can become great.”
–Mark Twain

Rise Above the Tides &
Rescue Your Dreams

by CJ Schepers
(Boy, are my arms gettin’ tired of rowing! The Life Raft is just around the corner, July 2014)





–Mark Twain

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  • nancy levy June 19, 2014, 4:04 pm

    “It has more to do with the self-doubts of others.” Great statement and so true!!

  • Minda Burr June 19, 2014, 9:56 pm

    Such a great reminder to surround ourselves with encouraging people and to be the same for others.

  • Jenny June 26, 2014, 2:38 pm

    And a smile, hug or word of encouragement can lift the spirit and dreams of a friend. It’s so important to surround ourselves with uplifting people and the best way I’ve found to do that is to radiate positivity.

    Thank you for another wonderful reminder, CJ! 🙂


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It is a brilliantly written, informative and (a) fascinating read. Burke Strunsky’s ongoing faith in humanity and the criminal justice system is refreshing and his unwavering persistence in seeking justice for the victims of violent crimes serves to light a bright path on the very dark road to justice—and offers hope and inspiration to us all.

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